Monday, September 17, 2007

Whø's Kenneth Cabang??

AHøY !!!
I'm Kenneth Cabang yøu can call me Kenn. I'm a freshmen in PLMar. I'm handling the majør øf management. It's not easy to be a BA student. I'm interested in making new friends, døing extreme activities, and eating pizzas. There are times that I'm timid, lacking enøugh cøurage tø express myself, and sømetimes hardheaded. I løve playing RPGs, specially RF and døta. I alsø løve listening to acøustic music, playing guitar, and reading fictiøn bøøks.

What should I say about myself. I'm an friendly lad who have the utmost respect to the person i'm with. Stick to one and faithful to my partner ~ to my GF. I also worked for Greenwich Corp. in Ali-Mall where I've become one of the best pizza makers in the store. And thinking of establishing my own business I want it something like Greenwich but more of creating new flavors which satisfies the customers.

If yøu want tø knøw møre abøut me yøu can add me up øn my friendster ør call me - 940-39-34..